


辛辛那提-辛辛那提博物馆中心(CMC),南希 & 大卫·沃尔夫大屠杀 & 人类中心 (HHC) and Jewish Bicentennial Committee partnered on a new exhibition to tell the story of Cincinnati’s Jewish community over two centuries. 该展览是辛辛那提犹太人二百周年纪念活动的一部分, celebrating the lasting influences of the city’s Jewish community on the city we know today. 我们共同的故事:犹太人辛辛那提的网上赌搏网站十大排行 开放至2022年10月2日 在联合航站楼的辛辛那提博物馆中心.  

与辛辛那提犹太人二百周年纪念委员会合作, 辛辛那提犹太人联合会, 希伯来联合学院, the Skirball Museum and the Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives, CMC and HHC have organized an exhibition that introduces aspects of Jewish traditions and culture while sharing stories of both prominent and unheralded Jewish Cincinnatians. 我们共同的故事 examines the people and traditions that continue to influence our food, 医学, 艺术机构, 社会正义运动, 我们是如何享受运动的.

“Together with Cincinnati Museum Center and our various partners, we are honored to bring an illuminating exhibition that highlights the vibrancy, inclusivity and complexity of Jewish history and culture in the Queen City,莎拉说。. Weiss, Nancy的首席执行官 & 大卫·沃尔夫大屠杀 & 人类中心. “From the creation of the Chestnut Street Cemetery in the 1820s to the diverse and growing community we have today, the city we love has been and will continue to be deeply influenced by the Jewish community.” 

我们共同的故事 begins as the Jewish community in Cincinnati did: with Joseph Jonas, 谁在1821年在辛辛那提建立了第一个犹太人墓地. 手提箱, trunks and immigration and naturalization papers tell the stories of Jews immigrating to Cincinnati. 为逾越节家宴准备的桌子, 象征着家庭和传统的重要性, invites guests to explore recipes and utensils that can unite a community. A section on religion introduces the basic tenets of Judaism and the Torah, 还有包括圆顶小帽在内的宗教物品, 陀螺和烛台. 拉比的书籍和日记. Wise, Eliezer Silver – the father of reformed Judaism and a leader in Orthodox Judaism, respectively – and Jacob Marcus Rader detail the importance of education. The story of Cincinnati’s 希伯来联合学院 – the oldest rabbinical seminary in the U.S. ——也占据了舞台的中心. 

Jewish influences in Cincinnati are marked by iconic names and brands: Kahn’s, U.S. 鞋,标准纺织品和更多. Names and companies that may be forgotten are still integral to the fabric of the community and even retain national importance. 库恩父子银行被五三银行收购, and the Mosler Safe Company built vaults and blast doors that are still in use at Fort Knox and nuclear blast sites.  

类似的, 萨宾和海姆利克的名字代代相传, including the thousands of lives their innovations – the polio vaccine and Heimlich maneuver – have saved. Jewish Hospital provided a respectful space for Jewish patients, 联合犹太社会机构制作了《网上赌搏网站十大排行》, 姐妹会和联合劝募会. Military uniforms and objects tell the stories of Jewish veterans, 包括查尔斯·斯蒂克斯, 第二次世界大战中的海军陆战队员, 和罗伯特·马克思, a Marine who founded the Disable American Veterans organization in Cincinnati following his service in World War I. 

辛辛那提的艺术界充斥着像克罗恩这样的名字, Aronoff and Rosenthal – all families who have contributed to the vibrancy of the community. Stories from King Records and the Cincinnati Reds show the lasting Jewish influence of those iconic organizations, including the story of Reds announcer Harry Hartman who coined the phrase “会, 会, gone!” 

我们共同的故事 is a fitting name for this exhibition because the story of Cincinnati, 讲述我们辛辛那提人的故事, 本质上是由我们的犹太社区塑造的,伊丽莎白·皮尔斯说, 辛辛那提博物馆中心的总裁兼首席执行官. “With this exhibition we want to share Jewish culture and celebrate, 在一起, the contributions that have built and are building the city we love today.” 

我们共同的故事 是辛辛那提犹太人二百周年纪念活动的一部分, celebrating over 200 years of Jewish community life in Cincinnati, which formally began with the founding of Chestnut Street Cemetery in 1821. The Bicentennial is commemorating this significant milestone in 2021 and 2022 through community celebrations, 多代程序和互动体验.  

我们共同的故事:犹太人辛辛那提的网上赌搏网站十大排行 is included with admission to Cincinnati Museum Center or the Nancy & 大卫·沃尔夫大屠杀 & 人类中心. 展览将持续到2022年10月2日. 我们共同的故事:犹太人辛辛那提的网上赌搏网站十大排行 在PNC银行的支持下. 提供了额外的支持 俄亥俄州的人文, the 国家人文基金会 以及2021年的联邦美国救援计划法案. 这个项目在一定程度上是由 博物馆及图书馆服务学会 格兰特arpml - 250780 - omls - 22所示. CMC and HHC are grateful to the Jewish Cincinnati Bicentennial Committee for their partnership and collaboration. 


Cincinnati Museum Center (CMC) at 结合终端 is a nationally recognized, award-winning institution housed in a National Historic Landmark. CMC is a vital community resource that sparks curiosity, inspiration, epiphany and dialogue. CMC was awarded the 2009 National Medal for Museum and Library Service from the 博物馆及图书馆服务学会 and received accreditation from the American Alliance of Museums in 2012, one of a select few museums in the nation to receive both honors. Organizations within CMC include the 辛辛那提历史博物馆, 自然历史博物馆 & 科学,儿童博物馆,罗伯特·D. 林德纳家庭OMNIMAX® 影院, 辛辛那提历史图书馆和档案馆 and the 盖尔收藏与研究中心. Housed in historic 结合终端 – a National Historic Landmark restored in 2018 and recognized as the nation’s 45th most important building by the American Institute of Architects – CMC welcomes more than 1.8 million visits annually, making it one of the most visited museums in the country. 欲了解更多信息,请网上赌搏网站十大排行 et1d.gscpw.net.   

关于南希 & 大卫·沃尔夫大屠杀 & 人类中心
南希的 & 大卫·沃尔夫大屠杀 & 人类中心 exists to ensure the lessons of the Holocaust inspire action today. 位于辛辛那提联合航站楼, HHC培养了200多名学生,通过其教育计划,有1万名社区成员, 创新项目和伙伴关系. 欲了解更多信息,请网上赌搏网站十大排行 www.holocaustandhumanity.org